Take Off in a Brand New Direction

Did you know?… a plane is off course 90% of the time?

Before a flight takes off, the pilot creates a flight plan. They know their destination and approximately how long it will take to get there. They lift off at the scheduled time, but during the course of the flight, air turbulence, weather conditions, and other factors keep pushing the plane off course. In fact, the plane is off course about 90 percent of the time.

(source: Stephen R. Covey, How to develop your personal mission statement)

So, how does the pilot get to their destination on schedule?

The pilot gathers information regularly from their instruments, from radar and weather reports, and from ground control technicians along the way. Using this data, they evaluate their current location relative to their destination and adjust their direction to get back on course. In fact, they make constant course corrections throughout the flight.

Becoming a standout brand and thought leader is a lot like a pilot preparing to take off. You have a specific destination. You create a ‘flight’ plan, assemble the resources you need, and begin your journey. But as you grow and become more well-known, it’s possible that the picture you envisioned as your destination has become less clear, overshadowed by the day-to-day details of the work.

You are off course.

And without a course correction, you might not reach your desired destination. One of my favorite quotes:

If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll never get there

How will you take off in a brand new direction in 2024?

What course corrections do you need to make?

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