Tell your truth.
When you’re not authentic, an audience can tell – and if you don’t tell your truth, someone else surely will.
Authenticity builds trust. You know better than anyone what’s true for you. You sense when you’re on course and when you’re off. So, as you go through the sections and exercises in how to Stand Out as a Thought Leader, read with your navigation system turned on and tuned IN. That way you’ll feel what’s true and relevant for you and take away the parts that will best serve your growth.
14. Tell your truth.
A recap from the book on being authentic as a thought leader:
- Authenticity is expressed primarily through words and proven through actions.
- Your words (message) should honestly reflect who you are and what you represent.
- Your Stand Out Statement is a short one-sentence expression of the why behind what you say and do and how it benefits the world.
- Your brand “voice” is a combination of the words you choose and the style of how you express those words—verbally and in writing.
- Your brand voice should be authentic and true to who you are—distinctive and recognizable and an extension of your purpose.
- Using stories in your communications can help people relate, understand and remember your message.
Learn more about Authenticity in our new book Stand Out as a Thought Leader, Chapter 4, page 104 – download the executive summary here:
For the next 10 days I’ll share 24 ways you can stand out as a thought leader in 2024 and be the leader you are meant to be.