Everyone is not your audience

Everyone is not your audience.

When you think of building your audience, think slow.

Think quality over quantity.

If you measure the effectiveness of your audience-building process only on the number of new followers you attract, then it’s likely that you are spending a lot of time focused only on the size of your audience and not those that fit your “ideal” thought follower (your audience) profile. You can have more from less.

11. Everyone is not your audience.

Bringing in fewer new followers can be beneficial. Slow growth can mean you are attracting more loyal and informed followers who understand and resonate with you and your message. Fast growth can mean new followers are responding only to one idea or presentation you’ve made that has gone “viral” and created a temporary bump of interest.

We are all thought followers at one time or another. Spreading and expanding on good ideas is important and necessary. The enthusiasm expressed through sharing a thought leader’s message to their circle of friends and followers makes thought followers an essential part of a thought leader’s growth and expands a thought leader’s message.

There has never been a more ideal time to build an audience for your idea or solution. But with so many people competing for attention online and offline, it is also harder than ever to “stand out” from the crowd.

Leadership and followership are two sides of a coin. Leaders need followers. Motivated and effective followers can shape a thought leader’s behavior and message by asking for greater clarity. Followers can encourage a thought leader to delve deeper into their subject area and even inspire new insights or solutions. The influence is reciprocal.

Learn more about your ideal audience in our new book Stand Out as a Thought Leader, Chapter 5, page 145 – download the executive summary here: info.twinengine.com/standout-ebook-chapter-1

For the next 13 days I’ll share 24 ways you can stand out as a thought leader in 2024 and be the leader you are meant to be

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