Empower YOU with purpose.
How many of you have the book ‘Start with Why’ on your bookshelf? I met the author Simon Sinek in 2009 – a day that changed my way of working and thinking. (Thank you Simon I still carry the coin you gave me)
2. Empower you with purpose.
Purpose (a core fundamental of standing out) has empowered my decisions, shapes my personal growth, and supports honest and meaningful communication. It attracts others who align with my values and beliefs and who support positive growth and change in our world.
Download chapter 1 in Stand Out as a Thought Leader: Page 31 – you can find exercises to reconnect with your purpose
Acting with a clear purpose keeps you focused on delivering value. Your purpose is not a mission or vision statement. Vision statements are about where you, your brand or company wants to be in the future.
Purpose includes the core values and beliefs that are the unchanging principles, ideas and philosophies that guide your decisions. They serve to create a culture and environment within a company and include things like belief in diversity, a commitment to honesty and integrity, ensuring a safe and supportive work environment, contributing to your local community and the like.
Your “Why” (as Simon named it) is another term used to describe the compelling reason behind your existence and actions. A company’s “Why” is a demonstration of what you and it what it stands for—its values and beliefs put into action.
Purpose integrates your values and what you believe in with why you do what you do in your heart and in your mind.
For the next 22 days I’ll share 24 ways you can stand out as a thought leader in 2024 and be the leader you are meant to be.
Empower YOU with purpose