Do you have a stunt double?
One great thing about being an identical twin is having the ability to see each other outside of ourselves. I know what I look like, I know how I am perceived by others. As a thought leader, do you know?
The saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” is a metaphorical phrase that means “you shouldn’t prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone.” But the truth is, all too often, we do.
As twins, Lorrie and I have developed a heightened awareness of the importance of perception and reality. Being constantly mistaken for my sister and vice-versa can do that.
We share the distinct advantage of having a living mirror reflection of what we look like from outside ourselves. Like no one else, my sister can observe me and honestly say, “We look terrible in green.” Or “I’m not sure if you realize that when you said such and such, it actually came across like something else.” Or “Yes, your design may be out-of-the-box creative, but is it consistent with the client’s brand, and how can we measure its success?”
From the firsthand experience of dealing with misperceptions and working hard to refine our individual identities, we’ve honed our ability to perceive distinct differences in other people, other companies and other brands. In our line of work, we use this ability to help our clients learn to see themselves and their brands more objectively.
Stand out as a thought leader in 2023 and be the leader you are meant to be.